The Potsdam Cartesian Seminar is an open topic weekly seminar that was started
in 2000 by Rupert Klein and Cezar Ionescu at the Potsdam Institute for Climate
Impact Research and is located at the Institute of Computer Science of the University
of Potsdam since 2014. Guided by the rules René Descartes formulated in his “Discours
de la méthode” we aim for a thorough understanding of the texts we read.
Sebastian Böhne, Nicola Botta, Raphael Kluge, Tim Richter, Margarete Wohlleber
Denis Andreev, Alexander Benedict Behrens, Marc Beilcke, Nikolas Bertrand, Nuria Brede,
Frederick Brumm, Julian Bruns, Margrit Dittmann, Georg Duchrau, Lucien Fumagalli,
Marcus Funke, Josephine Funken, Bastian Franke, Christoph Glinzer, Hanna Gloyna, Leo Günther,
Jan Heuer, Cezar Ionescu, Ingram Jaccard, Henrik Jürges, Niklas Kämmer, Manuel Keilmann,
Thomas Kern, Lucas Kerschke, Aleksandra Khatova, Tom Kranz, Christoph Kreitz, Lara Kursawe,
David Simon Kuska, Jan Lemcke, Marc Fabian Lindner, David Linkiewicz, Philomena Moek,
Tim Münzner, Florian Raab, Tarek Ramadan, Leo Repp, Eva Richter, Juliane Scherlitzki,
Carla Schreiber, Matthias Seidel, Mika Strozyk, Jessica Trebst, Marius Wawerek, Luise Werner,
Max Wiedenhöft, Axel Wiepke, Jonas Winter, Oliver Zernikow, David Zimmek
Guests are always welcome!
Place and time
Tuesdays, 10-12 am
Institute of Computer Science, University of Potsdam
Campus Golm (An der Bahn 2)
Building 70, Room 1.52
–> find on OpenStreetMap
For any question, please contact Tim Richter (
Current reading (winter term 2024/2025)
starting October 15
starting September 10
Summer term 2024
starting April 23
- Chapter 2 (“Type theory in Principia Mathematice”) of Kamareddine, Laan, Nederpelt : “A Modern Perspective on Type Theory - From Its Origins until Today”
starting April 9
- Introductory lessons on Type Theory for new participants
Winter term 2023/2024
starting March 5
starting January 9
November 7 - December 19
October 17 - November 1
- Introductory lessons on Type Theory for new participants
Summer term 2023
starting July 11
starting June 20
June 6 and June 13
April 18th - Mai 30
Winter term 2022/2023
starting February 14
October 18 - February 7
Summer term 2022
starting June 28
Mai 25 - June 21
April 19 - Mai 17
Winter term 2021/2022
starting January 18
starting December 14
starting October 25
Sommer term 2021
starting July 6
starting May 18
April 13 to May 11
Winter term 2020/2021
February 23 and March 2: Jonas on the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma
February 9 and 16: Max on Evolutionary Game Theory
January 26 and February 2: Jonas on Clustering
January 12 and 19: Tim Münzner on Computer Vision and Convolutional Neural Networks
December 15 and January 5: Niklas on Basics of Supervised Machine Learning (Perceptron, Gradient Descent)
December 1 and December 8: David on Cellular Automata
starting November 3
- Bernardy, Ionescu, Jansson : Domain specific languages of mathematics
(checkout the github repository, make sure you have installed latex and lhs2TeX,
and do a “make” in subdirectory “L”. This should produce “DSLsofMathBook.pdf”.)
September 22 - October 27
Summer term 2020
July 14 and 21: Fabian on Shellcodes
June 30 and July 10: Hanna on Probabilistic Algorithms
June 16 and June 23rd: Marius on Tolman
starting April 21st
Winter term 2019/2020
starting February 25th: on Lawvere’s ETCS
January 21 to February 10th: Christoph on Random Walks and Electric Networks
Selection from
January 7 and 14th: Nico on Graphical Languages
We read the first half of
starting November 19th: Dynamical Systems
starting October 8th: Sebastian on Manfred Spitzer’s “Digitale Demenz” - continuation
Summer term 2019
September 17th, 24th, October 1st: Blockchain technology
starting July 23rd: Jan on Answer set programming
July 2nd, 9th, 16th: Nicola on responsibility and blame
starting June 4th: Sebastian on Manfred Spitzer’s “Digitale Demenz”
May 21st, 28 : Nicola on thermodynamics
- Straumann - 1986 - Thermodynamik
April 16 - May 14 :
Winter term 2018/2019
19. and 26.02.2019 : Jessica on DNA computing
with sidesteps to
starting January 2019: Nicola on thermodynamics
- Straumann - 1986 - Thermodynamik
- Bridgman - 1922 - Dimensional Analysis
11. and 18.12.2018 : Luise on Hans Liebigs “Konrad Zuse - Erfinder des Computers”
September 2018
with sidesteps to
Summer term 2018
June 2018 - Georg on “Ernst Mach: The Science of Mechanics”
- Mach - 1919 - The Science of Mechanics
- Mach - 1897 - Die Mechanik in ihrer Entwicklung - historisch-kritisch dargestellt (3rd ed)
- Ernst Mach - 1912 - Die Mechanik in ihrer Entwicklung - historisch-kritisch dagestellt
March 2018
- Richard von Mises: Wahrscheinlichkeit, Statistik und Wahrheit
- Richard von Mises: Probability, Statistics, and Truth
- see also: Interpretations of Probability (SEP)
Winter term 2017/18
proposals for summer term 2018
- Nicola:
- Richard von Mises - 1928 - Wahrscheinlichkeit, Statistik und Wahrheit
- Thomas Kuhn: Black Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity 1894-1912 (Chicago & London, 1978)
- Tim:
- McBride - Turing-Completeness Totally Free
January 2018
- Ulrike Herrmann - Kein Kapitalismus ist auch keine Lösung - Kapitel 3 on Adam Smith
- see also: Adam Smith’s Moral and Political Theory (SEP)
- we’ll read the version with notes by Favio Miranda from the Seminar “Recursion for Coalgebras” 2001
- published paper: Pavlović, Escardó - 1998 - Calculus in Coinductive Form (IEEE Symposium Logic in Computer Science)
- see also: Continuity and Infinitesimals (SEP)
- Nicola’s Idris formalization: CoinductiveCalculus.lidr
Summer term 2017
Winter term 2016/17
- presented by Axel: The Turing Test (SEP)
- Paul Lorenzen - 1965 - Methodisches Denken
Summer term 2016
- Noam Chomsky - 1956 - Three Models for the Description of Language
- Hans Wäsche - 1959 - Eine Bemerkung zur Paradoxie des Zeno von Elea über “Achilles und die Schildkröte”
Winter term 2015/16
- Korb - 1977 - Einführung in die Spieltheorie mit Beispielen aus der Wirtschaftspraxis
- Brown, Priest - 2004 - Chunk and permeate, a paraconsistent inference strategy. part I - the infinitesimal calculus
- presented by Carla and Thomas: Dirk Hoffmann - 2011 - Grenzen der Mathematik - Kapitel 4 : Beweistheorie
- Ingeborg Brettschneider-Clasen - 1967 - Das Antinomieproblem
Summer term 2015
- Einstein - 1921 - Über die spezielle und allgemeine Relativitätstheorie
- presented by Frederick:
- Turing - 1950 - The Word Problem in Semi-Groups with Cancellation
- Boone - 1958 - An Analysis of Turing’s “The Word Problem in Semi-Groups with Cancellation”
Winter term 2014/15
- Abel, Pientka, Thibodeau, Setzer: Copatterns - Programming Infinite Structures by Observations
- presented by Tim: Ihringer - 2003 - Allgemeine Algebra
- see also: Hyland, Power - 2007 - The Category Theoretic Understanding of Universal Algebra - Lawvere Theories and Monads
Summer term 2014
- Planck - 1932 - Der Kausalbegriff in der Physik
- Planck - 1908 - Die Einheit des physikalischen Weltbildes
- Turner - 2004 - Total functional programming
- Wells - 1995 - Communicating Mathematics - Unseful Ideas from Computer Science
Winter term 2013/14
- Tarski - 1986(1966) - What are logical notions?
- Tarski - 1935 - Der Wahrheitsbegriff in den formalisierten Sprachen
Summer term 2013
- continued: Frege - Begriffsschrift
- Hilbert - 1918 - Axiomatisches Denken
- Frege - 1891 - Function und Begriff
Winter term 2012/13
- Turing - 1936 - On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem
- Sebastian presents Frege - 1879 - Begriffsschrift
Summer term 2012
- Tarski - 1936 - Grundlegung der wissenschaftlichen Semantik
- Lawvere - 1969 - Diagonal Arguments and Cartesian Closed Categories
Winter term 2011/12
- Kolmogorov - 1931 - Zur Deutung der intuitionistischen Logik
- Church - 1932 - A Set of Postulates for the Foundation of Logic
- Cardone, Hindley - 2009 - Lambda-Calculus and Combinators in the 20th Century